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খুলনা শনিবার , ১৫ই চৈত্র, ১৪৩১ বঙ্গাব্দ , ২৯শে মার্চ, ২০২৫ খ্রিস্টাব্দ
Azerbaijan, Bangladesh look for deeper ties | চ্যানেল খুলনা

Azerbaijan, Bangladesh look for deeper ties

Non-resident ambassador of Azerbaijan to Bangladesh Elchin Huseynli called on Chief Adviser (CA) Professor Muhammad Yunus at the State Guest House Jamuna in Dhaka.

During the meeting, the upcoming COP-29 summit in Baku, energy, trade, business cooperation, and a planned air services agreement between two countries were discussed.

Professor Muhammad Yunus is expected to join the COP 29 summit at the Azerbaijan capital, where at least 32,000 people will descend to mainly discuss the thorny issue of climate finance.

Ambassador Huseynli stressed deeper trade ties between two countries, with Baku seeking “new opportunities” and ways for opening up doors for more businesses.

He said a foreign office consultation between two countries was held in Baku in June. Azerbaijan has sought to sign an air services agreement with Bangladesh, he added.

Chief Adviser called Azerbaijan “a good friend” and sought increased business and trade between the two nations.

He recalled his long relationships with the Azerbaijani people, its leadership, and universities.


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