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খুলনা বুধবার , ১২ই চৈত্র, ১৪৩১ বঙ্গাব্দ , ২৬শে মার্চ, ২০২৫ খ্রিস্টাব্দ
Amanullah Bin Aktar Abid and Mahir Ashef to Steer the Chapter Forward | চ্যানেল খুলনা

JCI Rajshahi Unveils Leadership for 2025

Amanullah Bin Aktar Abid and Mahir Ashef to Steer the Chapter Forward

Junior Chamber International (JCI) Rajshahi proudly announces its leadership team for the year 2025, appointing Amanullah Bin Aktar Abid as the Local President and Mahir Ashef as the Secretary General.

JCI Rajshahi, a chapter of the globally renowned youth leadership organization, remains committed to fostering impactful initiatives, empowering young professionals, and driving community development. Under the dynamic leadership of Amanullah Bin Aktar Abid, the organization is set to embark on a transformative year, aiming to amplify JCI’s mission of leadership, entrepreneurship, and sustainable development in the region.

The 2025 Board of JCI Rajshahi will consist of 21 members, with key leadership roles taken up by -Shamim Rahman as Executive Vice President (EVP), Tamim Ahmed, Nabil Ahmed, and Jamila Afsari Preety as Vice Presidents (VPs)

As the Secretary General, Mahir Ashef will play a crucial role in ensuring the smooth execution of JCI Rajshahi’s vision and strategic goals. His expertise in organizational management and youth engagement will further strengthen the chapter’s operational framework.

“JCI Rajshahi is not just an organization; it’s a movement that brings together young change makers to create real impact. Our focus in 2025 will be to work on branding Rajshahi as the Hub of Innovation and empower local entrepreneurs and youth,” said Mahir Ashef, newly appointed Secretary General.

The newly elected leadership of JCI Rajshahi is determined to expand opportunities for young professionals, enhance community engagement, and build a stronger, more vibrant network of changemakers.


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