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BHBFC-IBBL: Signed Customer Service Agreement | চ্যানেল খুলনা

BHBFC-IBBL: Signed Customer Service Agreement

A Customer Service Agreement between Bangladesh House Building Finance Corporation (BHBFC) and Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited (IBBL) has been signed on 18th August. The Agreement Signing Ceremony was held at Crystal Ball Room, Hotel Intercontinental in the City. Prof. Dr. Md. Salim Uddin, FCA, FCMA, the Chairman of BHBFC Board of Directors was the chief guest on ceremony. Md. Afzal Karim, the Managing Director of BHBFC and the Additional Managing Director of IBBL Muhammad Kaisar Ali delivered speech as special guests. The Managing Director and CEO of IBBL Muhammad Monirul Moula presided over the Ceremony.

BHBFC is going to launch a special Housing Finance Program called Rural and Peri-urban Housing Finance Project: MONZIL. Md. Atikul Islam, the Project Director, signed the agreement on behalf of BHBFC. Executives and officers of both of the institutions were present on the occation.


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