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COP29 Presidency Officially Launches Joint Solemn Appeal for a COP29 Truce | চ্যানেল খুলনা

COP29 Presidency Officially Launches Joint Solemn Appeal for a COP29 Truce

Today, on International Peace Day, the COP29 Presidency officially launches its flagship initiative on the COP Truce, calling on all parties to transcend political challenges, stand in unity and commit to the truce during the month of COP29.

The Joint Solemn Appeal for a COP29 Truce is officially open for stakeholders to commit to the peace agenda. Parties and non-party stakeholders from around the world have already signaled their support and endorsed the Appeal. The list of endorsing countries and organizations will be published on the web page in due course.

This follows the COP29 Presidency’s latest open letter where it outlined the COP29 Peace and Climate Initiative and can be found here: link to letter

Full text of the Joint Solemn Appeal for a COP29 Truce:

“This year, the world will gather in Baku, Azerbaijan for COP29 – a historic opportunity to advance the global climate action agenda.

Climate change impacts our only home – the Earth – and every nation must be unwavering in this battle.

COP29’s fundamental message is that our common humanity can transcend political differences and stand together in unity.

Amidst conflicts spreading and rising, this ideal is more critical than ever. It is a unique chance to bridge divides and find paths towards lasting peace.

Conflicts increase greenhouse gas emissions and ravage the environment, polluting soil, water and air. The devastation of ecosystems and pollution caused by conflicts worsen climate change and undermine our efforts to safeguard the planet.

Climate talks must be unifying, with undivided attention and cooperation by all.

We call on everyone to observe the COP Truce during the month of COP29.

Let the COP Truce serve as a symbol of human solidarity.

Let’s unite for a safer, more prosperous and sustainable future for all.

It is only by prioritising peace and climate action that we can ensure a livable planet for future generations.”


English আরও সংবাদ


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