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First Partners for COP29 Announced | চ্যানেল খুলনা

First Partners for COP29 Announced

The first official partners of COP29 in Azerbaijan have been announced. These include Azerbaijani businesses PASHA Holding as the Impact Partner and Azersun Holding as the Sustainable Growth Partner, underscoring their collective commitment to sustainable practices and global climate goals.

Local partners are engaged with Azerbaijan’s National Pledge Programme, which is aimed at measuring Azerbaijani businesses’ internal potential to meet climate goals, formulate their future ESG strategies, and meet the requirements of local sponsorship criteria to increase competencies and management of resources through participating in consultation and training sessions provided by the COP29 Azerbaijan Operating Company.

Partners of COP29 will be using this opportunity to engage with global climate policies, highlight their ongoing efforts on sustainability and support the delivery of climate action transition in their key business areas. By partnering with COP29 in Baku, these businesses can demonstrate the critical role they play in advancing green policies and supporting the global community in keeping the 1.5C target within reach.

COP29 Partners will be joined in the Green Zone by businesses from around the world that have committed to this year’s Green Zone as exhibitors. Such businesses join a diverse mix of organisations that will showcase climate-friendly products and solutions.

Collectively they will contribute to making the Green Zone a space where all stakeholders will connect, share and learn to advance climate action. In addition to the leading global organisations that will showcase products and services, a full schedule of focused programmes will take place across the Green Zone, including presentations, networking events, workshops, briefings and music.

Other opportunities for businesses taking part include hosting their own events with access to conference booking facilities including theatre-style seating arrangements that maximise visibility and engagement. Together with a range of bilateral and multilateral meeting room formats for collaboration, knowledge-sharing and networking opportunities.

Commenting on the announcement of the first partners, Chief Operating Officer for COP29 Azerbaijan Narmin Jarchalova said, “I would like to welcome Azerbaijan’s PASHA Holding and Azersun Holding as the first official partners at COP29 in Azerbaijan. This year’s COP will serve as a pivotal platform for negotiating international climate policies, advancing climate action, and fostering global cooperation to achieve a sustainable and resilient future. Our partners will play a key role in supporting us to deliver on this ambition at COP29 – and we look forward to working closely in support of positive climate action.”

Mir Jamal Pashayev, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors, PASHA Holding commented, “COP29 will be instrumental in advancing PASHA Holding’s sustainability efforts. That is why we are proud to be an Impact Partner for COP29 in Baku this year. We are eager to engage with global leaders and stakeholders to gain insights, share experiences, and explore opportunities for meaningful collaboration and progress towards a more prosperous, sustainable world.”

Abdolbari Gozal, Chairperson of the Supervisory Board of Azersun Holding said, “Joining COP29 as a partner is a testament to Azersun’s unwavering commitment to sustainability. We believe that by working together with global leaders, we can drive meaningful change and contribute to a more sustainable future for all, and we look forward to the engagements we will have in the Green Zone at COP29.”


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