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Man held with 37 gold bars at Dhaka airport | চ্যানেল খুলনা

Man held with 37 gold bars at Dhaka airport

Customs officials detained a man along with 37 gold bars worth Tk3 crore at Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport on his arrival from Saudi Arabia on Monday.

The detainee was identified as Mahin Uddin from Comilla district.

Deputy Commissioner of the Dhaka Customs House (preventive team) Mohammad Abdus Sadek said a flight of Biman Bangladesh Airlines landed at the airport around 3:11pm on Monday.

Tipped off, a preventive team of the Dhaka Customs challenged Mahin, a passenger of the flight at the boarding bridge and brought him to the green channel of the airport.

Later, they recovered the gold bars weighing 4.29kgs from his handbag in presence of other officials.

Mahin claimed that the gold bars were handed over to him by a fellow immigrant from Comilla named Jakir Hossain at King Khalid International Airport in Saudi Arabia, said the customs official.

An anonymous man was to receive the bars from Mahin outside the airport upon arrival, he said.

He was handed over to the airport police station. A case was filed in this connection.



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