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Nearly 3,000 journalists register for COP29 in Baku | চ্যানেল খুলনা

Nearly 3,000 journalists register for COP29 in Baku

To date, nearly 3,000 journalists have registered to participate in the 29th session of the Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP29), which will be held next month in Baku.

Ayan Najaf, a member of the Coordinating Council of the COP29 Operating Company, made this announcement during a seminar on “Understanding and Analyzing ESG Reports on Environmental, Social, and Corporate Management” held in Baku, Azernews reports.

According to her, the registered journalists include both local and foreign media representatives.

“COP29 is at the centre of attention for both local and international media. Today, the UN accreditation for the ‘blue zone’ has been completed. The COP chairmanship also began the accreditation process for the media in the ‘green zone’ some time ago, which will be completed at the end of October. Currently, there are about 150 applications for the ‘green zone’,” A. Najaf added.

It should be noted that the seminar covered topics such as “Understanding the Paradigm Shift in the Business Environment,” “Legal Framework of ESG in Azerbaijan Today,” “How to Read, Understand, and Analyse ESG Reports,” and “Analysis of ESG Reports from the Industrial Sector.”


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