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Progress review and discussion meeting of The Hunger Project was held at Bagerhat district level | চ্যানেল খুলনা

Progress review and discussion meeting of The Hunger Project was held at Bagerhat district level

A progress review and planning meeting has been held at Bagerhat district level on risk management, communication, public engagement and strengthening vaccination message in the prevention of COVID-19. Mr. Masudur Rahman Ranju, Regional Co-ordinator of the organization was present as the chief guest at the review meeting held in the city on Sunday morning in the conference room of Codec Training Center. Md. Khalid Hassan, District Coordinator of The Hunger Project, discussed the ongoing progress and results of the project at the review planning meeting, which was funded by UNICEF and initiated by the Hunger Project. 35 volunteers from 6 upazilas of Bagerhat district took part in the review meeting. Masudur Rahman Ranju, Regional Coordinator of the project, discussed in detail the activities in the Khulna region. The volunteers of the present upazila highlighted the various activities of the ongoing project, various positive aspects and challenges. He Believe that the desired message of the project through the court yard meeting would bring all the upazilas and grassroots people of the district under the service and encourage them to get vaccinated. During the operation of the project, the volunteers have been working with the people on the prevention and vaccination of Covid-19 and working on the scheduled program of the project. During the operation of the project, the volunteers have been working with the people on the prevention and vaccination of Covid-19 and working on the scheduled program of the project. The review meeting was attended by 35 volunteers from 6 upazilas of Bagerhat district. After discussing Covid-19 with about 10,000 people through second dose was given by 95% of the people and the booster or 3rd dose was given by 75% of the people’s backyard meetings, it was found that 98 percent of them have been vaccinated with the first dose so far.


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