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Three days in COP29 summit, countries still waiting for 'workable' climate finance draft | চ্যানেল খুলনা

Three days in COP29 summit, countries still waiting for ‘workable’ climate finance draft

Among the Global South negotiators, the Like-Minded Developing Countries (LMDC) group has suggested that $1 trillion per year is needed, the Arab Group has called for $1.1 trillion, the African Group $1.3 trillion, India $1 trillion and Pakistan $2 trillion.

Attendees arrive for the day at the COP29 U.N. Climate Summit, Thursday, Nov. 14, 2024, in Baku, Azerbaijan. | Photo Credit: AP

An overly lengthy 34-page draft on a new climate finance goal emerged on the third day of the UN climate talks in Azerbaijan’s Baku on Wednesday (November 13, 2024), but the text is filled with repetitions and duplications, making it difficult to work with.

It took countries months to condense a 34-page text from Bonn into a 9-page draft by October. Now it’s back to 34 pages, which is a bit frustrating for everyone.


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