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UNFCCC Technical Mission Visits Azerbaijan to Asses COP29 Preparations | চ্যানেল খুলনা

UNFCCC Technical Mission Visits Azerbaijan to Asses COP29 Preparations

A technical mission from the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is currently in Azerbaijan from 6th to 9th September to assess the progress of preparations for COP29, which is set to take place in Baku from 11th to 22nd November this year.

On the first day of the visit, Mr Wasim Mir, Director of Conference Affairs at UNFCCC, met with Narmin Jarchalova, Chair of the COP29 Azerbaijan Operating Company and Chief Operating Officer for COP29. During their meeting, the parties discussed the status of several intensive operational processes, including the zoning of the event venue for various purposes, as well as other organisational matters related to the high-profile conference. Meanwhile, Chief Kevin O’Hanlon, the UN Department of Safety and Security, met with relevant representatives of the COP29 Azerbaijan Operating Company to exchange views on the steps taken to ensure the security of the conference.

Following these discussions, the extensive mission toured Baku Stadium, the event venue, where they were shown around to review the completed and ongoing construction works, as well as the operational processes. On the second day of their visit, the mission also participated in a briefing organised by the COP29 Azerbaijan Operating Company for members of the diplomatic corps accredited in Azerbaijan, focusing on the preparations and event plans for the forthcoming international climate conference.

It is worth noting that during their three-day visit, the mission will hold additional meetings at the event venue with key department heads of the COP29 Azerbaijan Operating Company and various state agencies to ensure all aspects of the preparation process are addressed. Moreover, visits to various locations across the city are planned to assess the accommodation, catering, and transport facilities being arranged for the sizable contingent of delegates attending the conference. The technical mission will inspect hotels and residences in Baku to ensure they meet the required standards, as well as review the food options and catering services available for the event.


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