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Youth Platform “YUNet” Launched in Bangladesh for Global Youth Upskilling | চ্যানেল খুলনা

Youth Platform “YUNet” Launched in Bangladesh for Global Youth Upskilling

Youth Upskill Network (YUNet), a visionary Bangladesh-based global platform committed to empowering youth through skill development, leadership opportunities, and global networking, officially launched during a celebratory event at Six Seasons Hotel Dhaka. The occasion also marked the graduation ceremony for the first batch of participants from YUNet’s flagship program, Corporate Navigator, spotlighting their achievements and bright futures.
Founded by Md. Altamis Nabil and Mahir Ashef with the support of MIAKI, YUNet is a Bangladesh-based initiative with a bold mission to bridge the gap between education and employment. It aims to prepare young individuals to thrive in today’s rapidly changing world by fostering innovation, achieving sustainable development goals (SDGs), and creating positive impacts on communities. YUNet offers an array of programs designed to equip youth for success in corporate, entrepreneurial, and social sectors.
The soft-launch ceremony brought together a distinguished panel of facilitators who contributed to the success of Batch 1, along with several renowned industry professionals. Certificates were presented to the first batch of graduates, celebrating their dedication and commitment to becoming future-ready leaders.
Speaking at the event, Md. Altamis Nabil, Co-Founder & CEO of YUNet, expressed his excitement: “YUNet was born out of a simple yet powerful belief: that every young person, regardless of their background, deserves the opportunity to reach their full potential. At YUNet, we have an ambitious goal to empower 1 million youths by 2030”
“On this event, we celebrate not only the success of our first graduates but also the beginning of a global movement to empower youth for a brighter tomorrow”, added by Co-Founder & COO Mahir Ashef.
Adding to the event’s importance, the presence of industry leaders and facilitators highlighted the collaborative effort required to upskill youth and ensure their readiness for the challenges ahead. Prof. Dr. H M Jahirul Haque, Vice Chancellor of Canadian graced his presence as chief guest of the event. Also, founders of MIAKI & YUNet Adviser Taro Araya & Taneem Islam were present at the event.
Veteran industry professionals & academicians like K M Hasan Ripon from Daffodil Polytechnic Institute, Dr. Syedul Ashraf Kushal from LifeSpring, AKM Monir Hossain from BanglaCAT Group, Prof. S M Arifuzzaman from Quazi Consultants, Kazi Nurus Sofa from bKash Ltd, Aleya Ferdousi from UPAY Ltd, Solaiman Ahmed Jeshan from Public Speaking Professional, Zafir Shafiee from Bondstein Technologies Ltd, Niaz Ahmed from Corporate Ask, Md. Shahriar Imran from NCC Bank & Ibrahim Khalil from SSL Wireless took part as facilitators of the first batch of YUNet Corporate Navigator Batch 1, a comprehensive series of training on job readiness by this organization.
YUNet envisions becoming a leading global platform where every youth has the opportunity to succeed by driving innovation and achieving meaningful progress in line with SDGs. The event is a testament to the commitment and enthusiasm of YUNet to bring this vision to life. Already more than 15 countries youth ambassadors have joined to YUNet global network to work on youth empowerment and upskilling movement. During the event, announcements were also made to organize an International Upskill Summit and a National Youth Fest in 2025, aiming to bring even more opportunities and inspiration to the youth community.


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